Ticket Purchase Terms & Conditions of Sale

Any ticket issued is subject to the following conditions and may be revoked by the issuer, proprietor of the venue and/or organiser of the event for breach of any of the specified conditions. Artesia Ltd. may change or amend these Terms & Conditions of Sale at any time.


Artesia Ltd. sells tickets as an agent on behalf of event promoters, venues, artists and other event organisers (“Promoter”). Any representations made by the Promoter regarding the event at any time and any associated complaints or claims are the responsibility of the Promoter and not Artesia Ltd. The Promoter sets ticket prices.

Your ticket

You can print your ticket(s) immediately upon confirmation of your credit card authorisation by clicking the Download & Print Ticket button. A confirmation email which contains a PDF of your ticket is sent to the email address you provided during the ticket purchasing process, from which you can print your ticket(s).

Look after your ticket(s) as you would cash. It must be presented in order to gain admittance to the event. The code on the ticket uniquely identifies this ticket and the purchaser, and can be redeemed only once. Multiple copies of this ticket will not allow multiple entries. In the event that multiple copies of this code are presented at the event, the Promoter may refuse entry to all ticket holders presenting tickets with this code.

When presenting concession tickets or entering events with an age restriction in place, appropriate identification must be shown. If suitable identification is not presented, you may be refused admittance to the event.

All ticket prices are shown in NZ Dollars and include GST where applicable. Direct deposit to event account is prefer method of payment.

Postponements, cancellations & refunds

Tickets cannot be refunded, exchanged or cancelled once issued except in accordance with the applicable laws of New Zealand.

In the event of a cancellation, the purchase will be refunded directly to the account used for the original purchase. In the event of a postponement, purchased tickets for the original date will be valid for the new date unless otherwise notified.

Purchasers have the option to seek a refund for the value of the purchased ticket(s) for a postponed event by contacting Artesia Ltd. prior to the replacement date for the postponed show .

In the event that a Promoter authorises ticket refunds for a postponed event, they will be issued only to the original bank account used for the purchase.

Promoter Terms and Government mandates

The Promoter may provide event-specific terms and conditions, which will be shown during the ticket purchase process and/or printed on the ticket (“Promoter Terms”). If there is any conflict between these Terms & Conditions of Sale and the Promoter Terms, the Promoter Terms will prevail.

You (and any ticket holder using a ticket purchased by you) agree to comply with:

  1. all New Zealand Government mandates regarding events, and mass gatherings.

Tickets will not be refunded where ticket holders do not comply with New Zealand Government mandates and/or the Promoter Terms, unless otherwise required by law.

Purchase from unauthorised sources

Tickets are sold on behalf of the Promoter by Artesia Ltd. Do not purchase tickets from any source other than the Artesia ltd. or its authorised agencies. Tickets purchased from any other source may be unauthorised copies and may be refused admittance to the event.

Ticket limits

Ticket purchases are limited to a total of 20 tickets per transaction. If you need to purchase more than 20 tickets for an event, you will have to purchase in a separate transaction. This policy is meant to restrict unfair purchasing practices.

Changes in program

The Promoter reserves the right to withdraw, replace, add or substitute artists or performers without notice.

Recording events

Cameras and video recorders, audiotape recorders and other types of recording devices will be prohibited at the event. Recordings of the events, will be available after two weeks after the event, to all ticket holders. Down loadable video files, from Conference website

Refusal of admission or ejection for objectionable behaviour.

The Promoter or venue reserves the right, without refund of any amount paid, to refuse admission to, or eject, any person whose behaviour does not comply with the rules and regulations set forth by the venue and/or Promoter.

Banking problems

Artesia Ltd. ticketing system involves an immediate exchange of information between us and your bank. Occasionally, your bank may not authorise a transaction, based on your account status or your card not being enabled for online purchases. In these instances, it is your bank denying your card, not Artesia Ltd., so please contact your bank for a resolution.

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