Matthew has been involved with counseling, personal, psychic and spiritual development and Shamanic healing practices since 1990.

Since 2001, where he spent an initial 5 months, Matthew has taken many journeys to live with the Lakota people on Rosebud Indian Reservation. During these visits he lived with and learnt from different Elders and people in the community.

He is actively involved in sharing his skills and knowledge through workshops, public speaking, personal mentoring and counseling. In his workshops and counseling, he teaches people how to be self-aware. He has techniques in helping people to bypass the ego in its negative state, which controls and diminishes the persons trust in themselves and of their spiritual abilities. This helps his clients to find freedom and a greater sense of connection with their potential.

As well as being able to see Beings who are here for our Personal Growth, Matthew also has the ability to see negative entities that sometimes link in with fears and anxieties within us, hampering our growth. Not only does he help to clear those negative energies, but he teaches practitioners and those who are interested how to do the same.

We are all in a time where Human Consciousness is going through a Renaissance period of Spiritual Evolvement. This means great change for Humanity, both as a whole and also as individuals in particular with the choices we make in reaching deeper into the understanding of who we really are as a species. He is based in the Adelaide Hills in South Australia and travels to Western Australia, Queensland and New Zealand on a regular basis with his work

Saturday 9:30am – 11:00am: The Galactic Origins of Humanity (Part 1)

  • Our primal beginnings
  • The Earth……A proving ground to find peace for many different off world species of Beings
  • The cooking pot of DNA that Humanity eventually becomes
  • The added influence of other Species over time, why they were brought here and how we view them now
  • The continuation of “The Plan” and how that is playing out in our lives right now
  • How this time we are in is the beginning of Truth and Transparency for Humanity

Sunday 9:30am – 11am:  The Expanding Human Energy System (Part 2)

  • New levels of Spiritual awakening happening across the Planet
  • Increasing levels of unrest, discontent, control, depression and anxiety
  • Just how deep do the changes go within our energy systems and where is this leading Humanity
  • How our bodies are reacting to all of these changes
  • Techniques in maintaining our energy system
  • Our ability to ground at a much deeper level
  • How to support our energy system through continued growth and change
  • Finally, a promise for the future from our Galactic Family

Interview with Matthew Greenwood